Best 8 Books PDF In English About – Psychic Healing, Life Beyond Death, Breathing techniques, Raja Yoga, Shaktipat, Thought Vibrations & Mind Reading

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Yogi Ramacharaka – The Science Of Psychic Healing

The Life Beyond Death by Yogi Ramacharaka

Science of Breath by Yogi Ramacharaka

A Series of Lessions in Raja Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka

Swami Niranjananda Saraswati – Prana and Pranayama

A Guide To Shaktipat – Swami Shivom Tirth

Thought Vibration or The Law of Attraction In The Thought World – by William Walker Atkinson

Practical Mind Reading – by William Walker Atkinson


About Nirmala Thanki

Researcher, Yoga Worker
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2 Responses to Best 8 Books PDF In English About – Psychic Healing, Life Beyond Death, Breathing techniques, Raja Yoga, Shaktipat, Thought Vibrations & Mind Reading

  1. Daniel says:

    Nice regards, i am writing to tell You that i really appreciate Your work with internet pages and of course with its content. Wish You all the best in future endeavors with Your pages and belive that they would be even better (if it’s possible). My own interest is mainly Tantra but love Vajrayana, Kashmir Shaivism (Krama, Trika, Kaula etc.), Advaita Vedanta, Yoga(of course), Taoism if i had any suggestion it would be more books about Tantra(it is special topic, especially because people in West, You probably know, think of Tantra mostly in sexual content and thought with Tantra they would make their sexual life extraordinary, or think that it is witchcraft, or folk misbelive, or even folk believes. I think that do not even need to go in different interpretations, just to say, people should read better books or find a Tantric Guru or Acharya (no metter of sex, mean male or female) who can explain some things properly. So if You got or can obtain some books from that area(does not need to be only Tantra of course, people in western world like to read about autobiography or biography of different saints and their “Paths”. Once more, thank You very much for your work(i know it took time for just keeping pages alive, there is money issues, etc.) and hope You would still edit pages and even make them better. Maybe with more diversity in books. Please don’t misinterpreted me, even if everything stays the same, i would be happy, but if You in the future put some books from topics i leasted above, it would be great.
    Wish You all the best in any endeavors in Your life and
    Let God(Goddess) be with all of us!
    Nice Regards!

    • Thanks for your kind response Daniel…There is my article about the – Secrets of Immortality in panch m kar sadhana of Tantric Sect – on this same website…you may find the link in the post of all the links of this page – This article is about the real meanings of coded language of Tantra…you will find it very interesting that Tantra is really very different process of attaining long Life, but for that, one should understand the real meanings of the Tantra processes which are often misunderstood because of its coded language…my best wishes for your study & spiritual progress….May God Bless you…

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